1st Grade Writing

 98   Do large corporations have certain obligations to society? (33)
TOPIC: 1st Grade ( Practice 33 )
Do large corporations have certain obligations to society?
  • Obligations to shareholders
  • Ethics
  • Product safety
  • Community relations
  • Labor conditions
  • Environmental responsibility
[ essay 1 ]
In today's modern society, corporations, large or small, are necessary for our lives. They provide us with employment and services we need, thereby activating the local economy. On the other hand, some companies neglect responsibility they should have for the community they operate in and their workers.
First, corporations must maintain good relations with local communities. They are responsible not to disturb lives of local people. Industrial waste, for example, must be dealt with properly, and the noise they might make should be minimized. Also, they try their best to avoid practices that harm the local environment.
Second, corporations have a responsibility to ensure the safety of their products. Some companies are placing a higher priority on profits than safety. There are some cases, in the food industry, where customers got sick or in the worst case, killed, because of the negligence of safety procedures. It surely costs them a lot to follow the safety guidelines, but they must remember ignorance of product safety in pursuit of more profits will end up losing even more.
Third, it's important for corporations not to exploit their workers, especially those from foreign countries. In order to avoid labor abuse, companies need to be monitored on a regular basis and make sure they offer safe and proper working conditions to all employees.
In conclusion, it is not wrong for corporations to seek profits, but they should bear in mind that a higher priority is always to be placed on safety and harmony with their local communities, even though it may cause them to make sacrifices of their profits.
[ essay 2 ]
During the rapid economic growth period, most corporations in Japan prospered, while Japan was urbanized and industrialized in many fields. On the other hand, Japan today has to pay a high price for environmental destruction and labor exploitation. Corporations must take these problems seriously and take responsibility as members of society.
First, companies have to make effort to minimize damage to the environment. On the bright side, many companies today make contributions to preserving the environment by reducing garbage and recycling products. Also, some companies volunteer to plant trees to restore forests. Through these activities, they are setting a good standard as role models for other companies.
Next, although several companies used to force their employees to work over time, the labor conditions are improving these days. With growing concern about death from overwork reported by the media, every company has taken their working conditions into account. They have come to realize that improvement in working conditions for their workers increase productivity and profitability.
Lastly, many corporations are making every effort to take measures against disasters. In the event of an earthquake, for example, they provide food, clothing. and shelter to local residents. Also, they are willing to help reconstruct and revitalize the area hit by a disaster, keeping good relationship with the local community.
In conclusion, corporations are playing a more and more important role in today's society. Therefore, they should contribute more to improving society, not just the benefit of their own.
[ essay 3 ]
There have been several cases of wrongdoing by corporations reported in the media recently. Almost without exception, when we look at corporate behavior, the focus appears to be on profits. This essay will discuss aspects of responsibility that need more attention.
First of all, the issue of product safety, the lack thereof, seems to be garnering the most attention. Even large corporations, such as Sony and Panasonic often have been negligent of the safety issues, although they must be aware of potential risks or existing problems. They cannot stay in business without making profits, but this should not be done at the expense of safety.
Second, corporations also have a social responsibility. It is imperative for companies to build good relations with the local communities they operate in. This could include making charitable donations to local organizations or providing funds for public facilities. There should be a balanced give-and-take relationship.
In conclusion, it's possible for corporations to make profits while also paying attention to public safety and local communities. In fact, it would likely ensure future profitability as their reputations grow. It's really in their interest to fulfill these other responsibilities.

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