1st Grade Writing

 97   Should organ transplants be made more available in Japan? (32)
TOPIC: 1st Grade ( Practice 32 )
Agree or disagree
Organ transplants should be made more available in Japan
  • advanced technology
  • ethical issues
  • risks / accidents
  • commercialism
  • global standard
  • religion
[ Organ transplants are one of the most controversial issues in Japan. ]
Thanks to many advances in medicine, a wide range of surgical operations associated with organ transplants has been available today. Some people may argue that organ transplantation should be utilized at all costs, while others cast doubt by saying that they are too dangerous to carry out. I personally believe that organ transplants should be made more available in Japan.
First, many lives could be saved if organ transplants were more accessible in Japan. Currently it costs so much to go overseas to have organ transplants that most people cannot afford them. Besides the expenses, it is physically hard for patients with medical conditions to travel in such a long distance. If organ transplants were readily available in Japan, however, it would cost much less and even poor people would have a chance to have such an operation.
Second, there are already many patients waiting for organ transplants in Japan. Because of many limitations and lengthy procedures required, many patients cannot receive treatment with organ transplants soon, and some of them even lost their lives which could have been saved with timely transplant operations.
Lastly, medical technology is most likely to advance when organ transplant is wide available in Japan. For example, doctors will have more opportunities to learn how to transplant organs through experience, while engineers are motivated to develop surgical equipment that enables doctors to transplant organs safely.
In conclusion, although some people still oppose organ transplants in terms of safety or ethical issues, I believe the advantages always outweigh the disadvantages, since organ transplants can save many lives and help medical technology make progress.

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