1st Grade Writing

 56   Giving the rights of animals enough consideration (2006-3)
TOPIC: Does society give the rights of animals enough consideration?
  • Animals as food and clothing
  • Animals in entertainment
  • Endangered species
  • Religious/ cultural traditions
  • The pet industry
  • The use of animals in experiments
[ essay 1 ]
Human rights are always given great concerns in today's world, but we tend to be ignorant of the rights of animals. Therefore, society should give more consideration to the rights of animals. Let me explain why.
First of all, society needs to make more efforts to save endangered animals. Today, a great number of species have been facing the danger of extinction. We sometimes kill animals for food and clothes on an unnecessary level. Also, they are deprived of their habitat by humans, because we need more land to live on. Therefore, it is important for society to think how the problem can be solved and to make every effort to protect endangered species.
Secondly, more attention should be given to the pet industry. Today, we can keep a wide variety of animals as pets, but some people easily give up the ownership and abandon their pets. Therefore, there is a growing number of abandoned pets we can find on the street or in the park. Most of these pets are finally taken to an animal impound to put them down. Therefore, society should make some measures to discourage people from abandoning their pets.
Lastly, animals shouldn't be featured as entertainment. Sometimes, wild animals are kept in a small cage to be displayed for humans. Think how it is like when you are imprisoned without freedom. It would be stressful and unhappy. Just as humans have the right to live freely, animals should have the same right. Therefore, the idea of animals in entertainment is nothing but cruel.
For these reasons, it is important that society should give the right animals more consideration. We must think how animals and human beings live together in the small world.
[ essay 2 ]
On a superficial level, the right of animals seems to be well protected by laws or regulations. Looking deep into the reality, however, you will find out we don't give enough consideration to animal rights.
First, an increasing number of endangered animals are going extinct every year without much effort done to deal with the problem. Cutting down trees in rainforests, for example, have deprived many species of their habitats, and put them in danger of extinction. Despite some regulations to protect nature, people still keep polluting and destroying the environment, and this unsustainable development has changed the whole eco-system, largely contributing to global warming.
Second, the pet industry today is too commercialized, and pet animals are often treated as commodities, rather than creatures. Many animals on display at pet shops are kept in small cages all the time, and some of them are eventually put to death after past their "sell-by date." Also, some pet owners without much affection to animals often abuse their pets, whose rights are not as much protected as humans'.
Similarly, animals are often used as features of entertainments. The industry, such as zoos or circus, is often blamed for abusing animals by forcing them to live in harsh condition. Some wild animals are not suited to a life in captivity, which can put them under too much stress.
For these reasons, society is not giving so much consideration to the right of animals as it should. We people are also animals in nature, so I believe they should be as much dignified just as we are.

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