1st Grade Writing

 50   Is society doing enough to deal with crime? (2008-2)
TOPIC: Is society doing enough to deal with violent crime?
  • Banning weapons
  • Economic causes of crime
  • School education
  • Stricter punishments
  • Surveillance cameras
  • The influence of the media
[ essay 1 ]
Whenever we see or hear the media reporting serious crimes, we tend to think the crime rate is getting higher, and that crime is out of control today. However, while such violent crimes do occur occasionally, I still believe society is doing enough to fight against crime.
First, improved surveillance systems largely contribute to reducing the crime rate, especially in the large cities. Although some argue that increasing amount of surveillance by the authorities, such as security cameras or personal information collection, can constitute an infringement of privacy, it is statistically true that strict surveillance in public places can deter people from committing crimes, thereby reducing the crime rate significantly.
Second, punishments against law offenders are strict enough to prevent crimes. To take a minor criminal case for example, the punishment against drunk driving is increasingly strict today, and the police are well prepared to monitor and crack down on violators in traffic. To be against major crimes, death penalty exists in many societies and it's often carried out to let the public know that a serious crime can lead to punishment by death sentence.
Finally, regulation of lethal weapons is strict and effective enough to reduce the crime rate. In many parts of the world, gun control is thoroughly established in law, and the government strictly monitors smugglers from overseas at airports, and they always keep an eye on organized crime syndicates, who possibly own lethal weapons. As a result, the crime rate caused by guns is kept very low in countries like Japan.
In conclusion, it is almost impossible to eradicate all the crimes from society, but given the current situation in today's modern society, I believe it is doing an excellent job to combat violent crimes.
[ essay 2 ]
Since the daily news is always filled with stories of violent crime, we often feel that we live in a dangerous society. However, while such crimes do occur on a regular basis, I believe society is doing enough to do with violent crime.
First of all, prevention is better than cure and it makes sense to start with education. Young people should be taught the difference between right and wrong, and schools must educate their students in a right way by adding moral education to the regular curriculum. Consequently, most of the children grow up with a respect for law and order.
Second, the modern media, such as the internet and movies are often blamed for the increase in crime, but there are also books and TV programs that inform the public about the harsh conditions in prisons and how much the victims of crime suffer, both physically and mentally. These must surely deter some people who would otherwise have become involved in criminal activities.
Lastly, no matter how uncomfortable it may be, surveillance cameras can discourage people from committing violent crimes. Even when such crimes do occur, the cameras can be used to help the police catch the criminals and bring them to justice.
In these ways, I believe society is doing enough to deal with violent crimes. It may be hard to achieve total elimination of crime, but the effort the government has been making helps us live in peace and quiet.

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