1st Grade Writing

 17   Has a university degree in the humanities lost its relevance in today's world? ( 2018-2 )
TOPIC: [ 1st Grade 2018-2 ]
Has a university degree in the humanities lost its relevance in today's world?
Thanks to advancement in science, fewer and fewer students in most developed nations today choose to major in a subject of the humanities, but it does not mean a university degree in the humanities has lost its relevance in today's world.
First of all, learning the humanities at university can help prepare students to live in global society. In this age of globalization, people are expected to live or work with those from other countries with different cultures and backgrounds.
In order to better communicate with those from other nations, they must have high competence to speak foreign languages and to see things from different respectives. A university degree in the humanities helps people improve such important skills required in global society.
Second, studies of the humanities can play a very importatn role in preserving their own culture and tradition. Many people these days still choose to major in history or literature so that they become teachers in any levels of education. They, then, teach their students about the importance of cultural preservation, which helps raise awareness of protecting culture heritage sites or skills of traditional craft.
Lastly, learning the humanities provides people with more opportunties to enrich their lives. Art subjects, such as paiting or music, give them chances to enjoy their free time. In today's fast pace society, many people feel a lot of stress and look for ways to relax. By looking at artworks or listening to music, they can take their mind off work or school,
For these reasons, I believe a university degree in the humanities is necessary and still relevant to today's world.

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