IELTS speaking

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 9     IELTS 15 TEST 1 Speaking ( staying in hotels / working in a hotel )  
  • What kinds of e-mails do you receive about your work or studies?
  • Do you prefer to e-mail, phone or text your friends? [ Why? ]
  • Do you reply to e-mails and messages as soon as you receive them? [ Why / Why not? ]
  • Are you happy to receive e-mails that are advertising things? [ Why / Why not? ]
Describe a hotel that you know.
You should say:
  • 1. where this hotel is
  • 2. what this hotel looks like
  • 3. what facilities this hotel has
  • 4. explain whether you think this is a nice hotel to stay in
Discussion topics:
Staying in hotels
What things are important when people are choosing a hotel?
Why do some people not like staying in hotels?
Do you think staying in a luxury hotel is a waste of money?
Working in a hotel
Do you think hotel work is a good career for life?
How does working in a big hotel compare with working in a small hotel?
What skills are needed to be a successful hotel manager?

Last updated: 2022/10/27

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