IELTS speaking

前のページ 目次 次のページ
 3     IELTS 17 TEST 3 Speaking ( Public monuments / Architecture )  
  • What do you like to drink with your dinner? [ Why? ]
  • Do you drink a lot of water every day? [ Why / Why not? ]
  • Do you prefer drinking tea or coffee? [ Why? ]
  • If people visit you in your home, what do you usually offer them to drink? [ Wny / Why not? ]
Describe a monument ( e.g., a statue or sculpture ) that you like
You should say:
  • 1. what this monument is
  • 2. where this monument is
  • 3. what it looks like
  • 4. explain why you would like this monument
Discussion topics:
[ Public monuments ]
What kinds of monuments do tourists in your country enjoy visiting?
Why do you think there are often statues of famous people in public places?
Do you agree that old monuments and buildings should always be preserved?
[ Architecture ]
Why is architecture such a popular university subject?
In what ways has the design of homes changed in recent years?
To what extent does the design of buildings affect people's moods?

Last updated: 2022/10/27

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