Grade 1 Speech Topics

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 [98]   [2017-1 B] Agree or disagree: Multinational corporations have become too powerful
Do multinational corporations take their social responsibilities seriously enough? [2020-1 B]
I believe multinational corporations have become too powerful. I have two reasons why I believe so.
First, multinational corporations are dominating the world market. They are so powerful that they can monopolize the industry they are engaged in and control the prices as they wish. For example, Toyota dominates the car industry around the world and small car manufactures cannot compete with them. As a result, they can control the supply and prices as they wish in order to make the biggest possible profits.
Second, multinational corporations can make local business go bankrupt. They are large corpations with large sums of money and a large number of competent employees, so they can manufacture good quality prodcuts quickly and cheapily. Plus, they can sell their products at very low prices. Consequently, consumers are attracted to buy their products, and local businesses, espcially family-run business, eventually go out of buisness. If this happens, multinatual corporations will become even more poweful and dominate the world market even further.
For these reasons, I believe multinational corporations have become too powerful.

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