Grade 1 Speech Topics

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 [9]   [2021-2 A] Is a society free of crime an unattainable goal?
[ Disagree ]
I do not think that a society free of crime is an unattainable goal. I think it's attainable. In my opinion, there are two ways to make it possible. One is strict regulations, and the other is proper education.
First, constant government surveillance and strict regulations can make a society free from crime. Security cameras installed in most public places discourage people from committing crime. Also, strict regulations imposed by a government can prevent crime too. For example, in the United States, most of the murder cases are carried out by people who have guns, or other lethal weapons. If these weapons were banned or made illegal, people cannot commit crime in the first place.
Second, proper education on crime can play an important part in making a society free of crime. Young people often commit crime impulsively, because they are not mature enough to tell what is right or wrong for their behavior. They often fail to consider consequences of what they have done. If schools provide moral education to young people, they will learn to think better than to commit crime. Besides efforts by educational institutions, parents and other community members should also be positively involved in educating young people for good behavior
In addition, a society can achieve the goal by reducing poverty. It is often said that poverty leads to crime, because people don't have enough money to make a living and have no choice but to steal money or mug others. If the government tries to improve the infrustructure for better living conditions, or provide financial support to poor people, they are wealthy enough to survive and see no reason why they have to take a risk of committing crime.
1. strict regulations by government
public surveillance ( sercurity cameras )
2. education
provide moral education at school
parents and other community members cooperate to educate young people
3. dealing with poverty
poverty often leads to crime
[ support people financially / improve standard of living ]

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