Grade 1 Speech Topics

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 [82]   [2017-2 A] Can the consumption of meat be morally justified?
Some people say it is cruel, or morally wrong, to kill animals to consume meat, but I believe it can be justified for sure. Let me talk about several reasons why I believe so.
First, throughtout history, human beings have had a carnivorous diet, which means it is nutritiously valuable to our body. Meat contains a lot of protein, which is essential to build up muscle and stay healthy. Without consuming meat, people cannot obtain enough protein, which makes their body weak and more likely to come down with numerous kinds of health problems.
Second, in the natural world, predators hunt their prey. It is only natural for people in the top of the food chain to consume meat. In other words, if people stopped eating meat, the entire ecosystem would be disrupted or unbalanced. As a result, some species multiphy unproportionally, which might lead to extinction of other species. Consequently, humans might have a hard time finding enough food sources to survive.
Finally, I always wonder what's the difference between herbivorous and carnivorous diets in terms of killing organisms. If you say it is morally wrong to take lives from animals, I will say you cannot even eat plants because they are also living things.
For these reasons, I believe the consumption of meat can be justified.
[ Agree ]
1. nutritious value
essential to stay healthy
( protein to build muscle )
2. throughtout history, humans have had a carnivorous diet
3. food chain in nature / balanced ecosystem.
4. What's the difference between harbviorous and carnivourous diet in terms of killing organisim?
[ disagree ]
1. cruel to animals
2. many vegetarians keep healthy and live long

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