Grade 1 Speech Topics

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 [61]   [2018-2 B] Can hard work and determination be a substitute for natural ability in the working world?
When it comes to sports or art, I may not agree with the idea, but when it comes to the worlding world, I strongly believe that hard work and determination can be a substitute for natural ability.
First of all, cooperation with other workers is the most important factor to succeed in the business world. Although a baseball team can win a game if they have a star player like Ichiro, most projects in business must be done with concerted effort by all the workers. Also hard-working people with strong determination are very influential to other workers, which encourages them to work hard as well.
Second, most companies seek individuals who work hard and make the best effort to contribute to their companies. As you know, many people who graduate from top universities are hired by large companies and often succeed in business. However, it is not becuase they are highly talented for academics, but it is because they made a lot of efforts to get into top universities and graduate from them. Most companies know such individuals never give up half way through no matter what happens to them and this is why they would like to hire such hard-working people.
[ agree ]
1. cooperation is more important
2. hard-working employees are always valued by companies they work for.

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