Grade 1 Speech Topics

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 [57]   [2018-2 B] Is a nation's economic development more important than protecting its cultural heritage?
I don't think that a nation's economic development is more important than protecting its cultural heritage.
In fact, cultural heritage sites can help bring about economic development in a country. This is because many people are attracted to such famous places, and people not only around the country, but also from all over the world travel there for sightseeing. Those tourists stay at local hotels and eat at local restaurants and buy things there. This means people spend a lot of money near the cultural heritage site, which can boost the local economy. Moreover, This creates more job opportunities and many people are hired and the employment rate will increase. Therefore, protecting cultural heritage actually helps economic development.
Second, it is possible to achieve economic development without damaging culture haritage sites. In today's modern world, Technology and IT skills are indispensable to develop the country's economy. This new industry requires only a little space of land and the business can be done online. This means they don't need to build factories to manufacture products or large office space for their business. People today can even work from home.
On the other hand, once cultural heritage sites are destroyed, they go forever, which means we lose our important culture and tradition. Without anything people are proud of about their culture, they would be less motivated to work hard. As a result, economic development will be slow after all.
For these reasons, it is more important to protect cultural heritage than only to promote economic development.
[ disagree ]
1. protecting cultural heritage can actually help lead to a nation's economic development.
spend a lot of money ( accommodation / shopping / eating ) --- boosting the local economy
2. possible to achieve economic development without harming cultural heritage.
Today's economy is based on technology and IT skills.
Large spaces ( for agriculture / manufacturing / office space ) are not required.

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