Grade 1 Speech Topics

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 [55]   [2018-2 A] The poorest in society benefit the least from economic development
I agree that the poorest in society benefit the least from economic development. Let me exaplain why I believe so.
First. in society, wealth concentrates on small percentages of population, and the economic gap between rich and poor always increases in today's modern world. For example, rich people have more opportunities to invest and increase their assets, while poor people always struggle to make their ends meet with no money to invest. In Japan, wealthy people buy stocks or rent out their properties to earn extra money. On the other hand, poor people have had a hard time even buying things for their everyday lives, since the consumption tax was raised from 8 to 10%.
Second, in terms of business, only large corporations benefit from economic development. For instance, thanks to economic development, the infrastructure like a transportation system has been improved, which makes it easier for people to travel in long distances. However, small family-run family business, which are usually managed by poor people, cannot compete with large companies, such as large shopping malls, and are often replaced by them. Moreover, the government seems to support such large businesses with financial aid or tax breaks, but they rarely do anything to help small businesses run by poor people.
[ agree ]
1. rich individuals vs poor individuals
more opportunities to increase assets
2. large and small businesses
[ disagree ]
1. business make more profits and hire more people
the enmployment rate will rise and people have a better life.
2. the tax revenues for the goverment will increase
better public facilities ( schools, parks, and hospitals )

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