Grade 1 Speech Topics

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 [54]   [2018-2 A] Does there need to be stricter government regulation of the Internet?
I believe that there should be stricter regulations by the government on the Internet. I have two reasons for this.
First, there are too many web sites showing and providing too much sex and violence, which are especially harmful to children. They are more likely to be influenced by such websites and it is often said that many children show aggressive behaviors later in life because of such harmful web sites. In fact, TV and other media have already taken measures to proctect children, so the government also needs to place regulations on the Internet against it.
Second, the Internet has become a place for criminal activities. [ the Internet crime has been increasing ]. Many people today have acess to the Internet, and many of them often visit fradulent websites carelessly, and their personal information is stolen by criminals, or they are tricked and asked to pay a large amount of money. Also, terrorist groups often recruit members online and organize international terrorist attacks. Therefore, the government needs to find ways to reduce the number of such crimes through strict regulations.
For these reasons, I believe strict regulation of the Internet by the government is necessary to protect the citizens in many ways.
[ agree ]
1. harmful information
too much sex and violence ( especially bad for children )
2. to protect people from becoming victims of crime.
fraudulent websites
recruit members of terrist groups
[ disagre ]
1. freedom of speech / right to know
2. infringement on privacy

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