Grade 1 Speech Topics

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 [40]   [2019-2 A] Is there enough emphasis on the sciences in higher education today?
[ Should schools put more focus on teaching IT skills? ] 2013-3 A
I believe there is enough emphasis on the sciences in higher education today, and I have two reasons for this.
First, there are many universities or colleges that have introduced computers or the Internet to their classes. Because of this, students can learn a lot more easily with slide shows or video clips, which helps them grow interested in the subjects they are learning. Also, they can learn IT skills at school, so many students today are more familiar with computers, which creates more job opportunties for students after they graduate.
Second, there are many science universities and colleges with science courses, so there are many science majors for students to choose from. For example, some universities in Tokyo opened new branch schools within or outside the city, where only science students can study in the facilities with the latest technology. Also, scholarships are often granted to students with excellent grades, so even those from poor families are allowed to study in medical schools to be doctors.
[ enough ]
1. competers and the Internet have been introduced in most classrooms.
2. many scicence unviersities or colleges with science courses
3. scholarships / student loans
[ not enough ]
1. women are not encouraged to take science courses
(ex) not many women are admitted to medical schools
2. not enough funds on the facilities / equipment
they are old-fashioned and not sofispticated
3. there are not many science schools to accept foreign students and business people
they often choose to study in other countries, such as the US, or European countries

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