Grade 1 Speech Topics

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 [36]   [2019-3 A] ---- Is reducing poverty the key to reducing crime?
Poverty often leads to crime. [ crimes often occur in areas where there is a lot of poverty. ] Many people living in poor countries don't have enough money to make a living, so they have no choice but to steal money or mug other people. In many cases, those poor people don't have any job opportunities or they are addicted to drugs. If they are given a chance to be employed, or the government supports them financially, they see no reason why they have to take a risk of committing crime. [ If they are given job opportunities or the government provides them with financial assistance, this will discourages them from committing crime. ]
Second, people living in poverty can't afford to receive proper education. Becuase of a lack of education, they are less likely to have a well-paid job and more likely to commit crime. If people are more educated, they will have better salaries or incomes, which can help reduce crimes. Proper education also gives them chances to learn moral values and leads them to be good citizens.
[ key phrases for supporting points ]
  • Poverty can encourage people from commiting crime.
  • Poverty often leads to crime
  • The crime rate is always high in areas where people live in poverty [ there is a lot of poverty ]
  • People living in poverty cannot afford basic education
  • Many people living in poor areas are deprived of basic education
  • Those living in poor countries don't have opportunties to receive school education

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