Grade 1 Speech Topics

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 [300]   Is the Internet harmful to children?
Today, almost everybody uses the Internet, and we all find it is a great tool to get a wide variety of information almost instantly. However, for children, it can be very harmful. Today I'd like to talk about the harms that can be done to children when they use internet.
First, there's lots of harmful information that can be found on the internet. For starters, violence movies or sexual contents are available online, which are strictly regulated on the market outside. Some children are influenced by the violence scenes, and hurt others. I think the crime rate among minors is getting higher due to easy accessibility to the internet.
Second, children can be an easy target of computer fraud. Obviously, they have less experience in life than adults, and they are not so aware of the risks as grown-ups. As a result, they are more likely to be fooled by online fraud. In fact, there are many cases reported that children who played online game are charged a large amount of money because they didn't understand or read what they have agreed in the small print.
Speaking of gaming, many children are obsessed with playing computer games or surfing the net, and they are wasting their time. As a result, they don't have much time to study, or so tired that they can't concentrate on school work during the day.
In conclusion, it is true that children can benefit a lot from internet, but we have to remember it can be also harmful to them.
It is true that the internet can be harmful to children sometimes, but I strongly believe the benefits of internet outweigh the dangers or risks. Let me explain.
First, the internet provides children with a wide range of information almost instantly. Which also means it gives them more learning opportunities. For example, today, some online companies run English conversation schools where children can learn English from professional teachers or people from other countries. Most of them are very cheap, and open 24 hours. Also what they call "e-learning" is gaining popularity, children can enjoy a lot of benefits from the Internet.
Second, computer literacy is getting more and more important in today's globalized world, and by using the internet, children can learn how to use computers more. That will bring them better job opportunities later, since they can have jobs in IT business where workers are required to have high computer skills and get paid pretty well.
For these reasons, internet can do more good than harm to children.
1. earning opportunities ( e-learning )
2. communication
3. job prospect ( IT business )
1. harmful information ( too much violence and sex )
2. internet fraud
3. waste of time ( gaming / browsing the net )
4. impair eye sight

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