Grade 1 Speech Topics

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 [294]   [2010-1 A] ---- Do professional athletes have a duty to serve as positive role models?
When I was a kid, I really liked baseball, and I would often mimic some famous players' hitting styles, and some of the players have influenced me a lot. From my experience, professional athletes help me to learn a great deal and they encouraged me to seek my own dream. Therefore, I strongly believe professional athletes are good role models fro children.
Firstly, athletes can help children to learn how important it is to be hard-working. Most athletes make a lot of efforts to be successful in their own field, and that tenacious efforts have made them what they are today. When children see those athletes working hard, they realize they also have to work hard if they want to be successful like them.
Also, from professional athletes, children can learn things don't always go well, but still they have to keep working hard to overcome hardships. Professional athletes, if they are unlucky, get injured while training or playing, and they have to be away from their professions for a few months or even for years. Good athletes, however, never give up and finally they "come back" again. In daily lives of children as well, they sometimes have to go through a rough patch, and face a lot of hardships. However, thanks to professional athletes, children will never give up, because they know every cloud has a silver lining, and if they keep working, they will come back and have a better life.
In conclusion, I think professional athletes are definitely good role models for children and they can learn a lot from them for sure. Today, there are a lot of children who have got lost toward their future and waste their time doing nothing really meaningful. Therefore, I hope more great professional athletes appear and influence them to lead for the better.

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