Grade 1 Speech Topics

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 [284]   [2010-2 A] Can the use of animals for medical research be justified?
Today, some animals are used for medical testing, and in most cases, they are put to death in the end. According to a survey, more than 9 million rabbits are used on experiments, and killed in Japan each year. In my opinion, animal testing just can't be justified. It should be stopped anytime soon.
First, just as humans shouldn't be used for dangerous testings, animals should also be treated as much as humans. Just look back on the history during World War U, and you'll see many people were used on human experiments, and lost their lives. Needless to say, you think it is cruel, and it's not justifiable. Then, why not for animals? They are living creatures as well as humans, and their lives should be dignified as well as ours.
Second, a survey shows that with today's advanced technology, the computer simulation models can prove that new products such as medicine or cosmetics are safe enough to be put on the market, without animal testing. Based on the previous data, a lot of data until today, we can already tell which product is safe to use, or which not. So, I think animal testing is no longer needed to make sure a product is safe.
For these reasons, the use of animals for medical research can't be justified. It's not only cruel, but also it's not needed any more. I hope more and more companies promote their new products by assuring us that they are all animal testing-free products.

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