Grade 1 Speech Topics

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 [235]   [2012-1 A] Is globalization good or bad for developing countries?
Needless to say, globalization has brought some benefits to us, and improved our lives in some degree. However, as for developing countries, it does more harm than good.
First, globalization divides the people with high computer literacy and the people without it. This is particularly true in developing countries, because some people are rich enough to buy computers, and others can't afford to buy them. As a result, people who have high computer skills are hired in IT business or get other well-paid jobs, but a large number of other people are still poor. It is also true of language skills. English is predominantly spoken in the world, but for non-native speakers, it takes time and money to learn the language, so rich people can afford it, while the poor can't, and lose opportunities to work for international companies. Therefore, globalization creates a gap between haves and have-nots.
Second, when foreign businesses come into these developing countries, they tend to take advantage of cheap labor. It is often true that wages or salaries for workers in developing countries are extremely low and they are forced to work long hours every day. Especially less educated people fall victim to cheap labor.
Also, globalization is a threat to cultures and identity of developing countries. Every one of the developing countries has its own culture and tradition. If the developed world forced them to follow western work ethic or values, people in the developed countries would feel uncomfortable, and might have strong hatred against developed countries.
technology ( farming skills / infrastructure )
[bad] divide ( computer literacy / haves and have-nots )
2. proficiency of English ( rich people vs poor )
3. cheap labor ( abuse )
4. loss of cultures and traditions

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