Grade 1 Speech Topics

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 [229]   [2012-2 A] Can Japan's rural communities be revitalized?
It is an intriguing idea to try to revitalize rural communities in Japan, but it doesn't seem realistic to me.
First, it would cost a huge amount of money to make rural communities revitalized. The Japanese economy has been sluggish for a long time, and Japan is already deep in debt. In addition, the Japanese government has other problems to solve like the pension system, or health insurance, associated with aging society and low birth rate. It doesn't seem there's any room to spend any more money revitalizing rural communities.
Second, rural areas are not attractive to live in, especially for young people. In fact, most of us are used to convenience living in the city, and it is very hard to move into rural areas where there are no subways, convenience stores, any excitement like bars or amusement parks. Therefore, few people are willing to leave the place where they are used to living with a lot of convenience.
Also, most businesses are located in the center of the city already, and many people work there, and live around it. Which means, it is not realistic to think that most businesses and workers are willing to move to rural areas even though they are revitalized anyway.
For these reasons, I believe it is almost impossible to revitalize Japan's rural communities. In reality, most people in the rural areas are old, and they don't want to change the way they have lived there for a long time.
[ Yes ]
1. more space ( possibly more business opportunities
2. natural beauty ( attractive ) ⇔ the hustle and bustle of the city ( stressful )
[ No ]
1. costly ( no money to revitalize rural communities )
2. not attractive for young people
3. not so many business opportunities
4. conservative ( not willing to change the way they already do )

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