Grade 1 Speech Topics

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 [225]   Can animal testing be justified?
Some people say that it is cruel that animals are used for product testing, but I don't believe so. There are some reasons for this.
First, it can't be helped that they are used for the benefit of human beings. For example, before new products are introduced to the public, they must go through hundreds of experiments to make sure they are safe. In order to do so, animals must be used at the first stage. For some products, it is too dangerous to use humans as subjects at the beginning, because they might hurt their health or in the worst case, kill people. However, there must be some sacrifices to human benefits if we want to make progress in medicine and science.
[ So there's nothing we can do except that we choose animal testing for our benefits. ]
Second, actually, animal testing is not as dangerous for animals as most people might think it would be. Before the testing on animals or humans, scientists usually make a lot of experiences based on the past data, and make sure they are almost safe to use living things including humans as subjects. Also the latest computer simulation models, based on the previous results, shows whether or not they are safe enough to test on animals.
For these reasons, I believe animal testing can be justified. There are still a lot of incurable diseases like AIDS or fatal sickness like cancer. In order to overcome such difficulties facing humans, I think animal testing will be hope for our future generations.
1. the benefit of humans ( fight against incurable diseases / fatal sickness )
2. risk of hurting animals ( not high → most animals return safe )
[ Possible Questions ]
1. Do you think animal testing for cosmetics, which are NOT directly beneficial for human health, is also justified?
2. Some say only computer simulation models are good enough to ensure product safety. Do you agree?
3. In the United States, some say condemned prisoners should be used for human experimentation. What do you think about that?
4. Do you think it is inumane that livestocks like pigs or chickens are raised in small cages?

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