Grade 1 Speech Topics

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 [210]   [2013-1 A] Can the factory farming of animals be justified?
Should factory farming be banned? [2020-1 B]
As the world population is expanding at a rapid rate, animal farming has become a common practice all over the world. It can provide people with regular food supplies, but I believe it can't always be justified.
The reason I believe animal farming is not justifiable is that animals are living creatures, just like we are, and putting them in small space to grow in their whole life is very cruel. They are supposed to live in the wild, and they at least have a right to grow in a natural environment. Let's put this way. If someone was locked up in prison for no reason and had to live without freedom, we would all believe it is cruel and violation of human rights.
The cages in animal farms are too crowded and are often in unsanitary conditions. Because of this, animals are given chemicals like antibiotics to avoid infectious diseases such as bird flu, and these animals are not healthy with too much chemicals and almost no exercise. I don't think it is good for human health to consume such farmed animals.
Lastly, if an infectious disease occurs in a factory farm, thousands of animals in a small area are affected. In the end, they are all slaughtered and disposed of. There have been many cases where all the chickens in a factory farm were killed and thrown away because only a few of them got bird flu.
For these reasons, I believe the factory farming of animals cannot be justified. It may be a good way to feed large populations of the world and help sustain food security, but I think animals should be dignified and we should respect animal rights just as we should respect human rights.
[ Pros ]
1. cost-effective
( traditional farming -- large land for a few farm animals )
( factory farming --- a large number of animlas taken care of by a few farmers. )
2. food security
the growing world population
[ cons ]
1. animal rights ( moral issues / cruel )
kept in captivity -- stress
unsanitary condition --- sickness
large scale diseases ( bird flu / pig flu )
factory-farmed animals can risk human health
a large dosage of antibiotics

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