Grade 1 Speech Topics

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 [204]   [2013-2 B] Is corruption an inevitable part of modern society?
Throughout history, corruption has been commonplace in society, and we still see corrupt politicians and business people all over the world. It is sad to say this, but corruption is an inevitable part of modern society.
To begin with, I believe we humans are corrupt in nature in our own ways, and in this sense, corruption is part of life. . For example, office workers in a company are given incentives for working hard, or they are rewarded for their extra work, so that they are more willing to work harder than others. In fact, I believe this has helped develop human civilizations. You may say they are doing it for their own benefits, but in return, they do something productive to make progress in society. Just like parents have their children do something by giving them incentives, corruption is commonplace in society. For this reason, I believe corruption is inevitable part of modern society.
Nevertheless, it is not a great idea that people with power, or with money, always have advantages over those with limited assets. Corrupt people, especially politicians should be severely punished, and the government and the law authorities should always keep an eye on corrupt activities. I think strict laws or punishments on bribery will discourage people from giving or receiving bribes. It is almost impossible to eliminate all the corruption from the world, but it is important to try to prevent it as much as possible.
[ agree ]
1. political field
2. corruption as natural incentives to work hard even in today's modern society
[ disagree ]
1. more strict monitoring
2. more and more decocratic
corruption is common in poor or non-democratic countries.

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