Grade 1 Speech Topics

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 [199]   [2013-2 A] Is there such a thing as a justifiable war?
[ speech 1 ]
Throughout history, human beings have been fighting and killing each other, but they never have learned a lesson that war doesn't pay and only comes at a high price. I have a good reason why there is not such a thing as a justifiable war.
Resorting to violence never brings peaceful outcomes but only increases hatred. Let's take terrorist attacks for example. Most terrorists threaten the world because they once suffered violence. They resort to violence as revenge for their suffering. The governments often deal with terrorism by attacking the suspicious groups, but it seems like they never win the war against terrorism. It is time we realized violence ends up with another violence endlessly.
Also, war doesn't affect only those involved, but it kills innocent people. It's devastating to people's lives. Many houses are destoryed and they lose a place to live and work. War never discriminates people. It injures and kills injure and kill children, women, and old people. Winning war doesn't do any good to ordinary citizens. Whether they win or lose, it only causes suffering to them and never brings any benefits to them.
That's why I believe there is no such thing as a justifiable war. You may argue that there are some times when war is unavoidable, but in most cases, peaceful approach works better to solve problems between countries.
[ speech 2 ]
I believe there are some cases where war is inevitable and justifiable. I'd like you to know, in the first place, I don't support wars at all, but I must say there IS such a thing as a justifiable war.
First, we would have to defend ourselves if someone tried to attack us. In this sense, the government is responsible for protecting its citizens from threats coming from other countries. Some countries greedily seek to expand their territory, often looking for better resources, and try to invade their neighboring countries. This behavior or action shouldn't be tolerated, and the country that is threatened by invasion must take action against it.
Next, many countries, especially African countries, cause suffering to their own citizens. Because of difference in religions or bias against minorities, many people are oppressed and persecuted even within the country. This must be stopped by outside help like the U.N., often involving military action against it. Otherwise, such minority groups are killed for no good reason.
For these reasons, I believe war can be justified in some cases. Still, they must remember war causes great suffering to the people in the affected areas, so they must first try to settle a dispute with peace talks or negotiations. Waging war is the last resort.
[ agree ]
1. wars for self-defense
2. wars to help innocent citizens within a war-torn country
3. fight against terrorism
[ disagree ]
1. violance brings about another violance
2. innocent people are affected

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