Grade 1 Speech Topics

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 [167]   Should genetically modified foods be allowed?
Some people say GM foods are dangerous because nobody knows the potential dangers which might affect human bodies in the long term period, but I personally believe GM foods do more good than harm.
First, we can save a lot of people with genetic engineering. For example, people living in harsh conditions, such as regions in Africa, have been struggling to obtain food, because their lands are arid and not suitable for agriculture. As a result, a lot of people, especially small children, suffer from hunger and starved to death every year. With genetic technology, however, we can improve plants, such as grain or vegetables, which can grow with little water in barren lands. Consequently, GM foods can help save a lot of people.
Second, GM foods are not only good for poorer countries. People living in developed countries like Japan can also enjoy a lot of benefits. For example, we can improve crops which are strong against pests. Which means we don't have to use chemicals to kill pests, so all the plants we produce can be organic. Also, because farmers can produce more products with less care and less workforce, the prices will be reduced.
For these reasons, I think GM foods should be allowed and it should be researched more for the future. I understand some people who are strongly against it, but if we let this promising technology slide, it's just wasteful. I believe new technology always works for the better in the long run.
1. solution to poverty ( strong against semi-arid soil / easy to grow )
2. easy farming ( reduce a burden on farmers )
no chemicals → less illness → longevity
3. cheap products
4. future prospects ( application from agriculture to medicine )
1 We don't know yet the extent to which GM food will influence our health in the long run.
( It is not yet known that the extent to which ----- )
2. Genetic engineering ( human cloning / ethical problems )

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