Grade 1 Speech Topics

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 [161]   [2014-3 A] Is modern society too dependent on computers?
I don't think modern society is too dependent on computers. Let me explain why.
First, computers have made the working environment better for many people. For example, they have allowed people to work from, so those who otherwise cannot go to work, such as people with disabilities or mothers with little children can now join the workforce and be given opportunities to contribute to society.
Second, computers have enabled people to communicate with those living far away. It may be true that because of the Internet, more and more people prefer to be on their computers at home, playing games or doing other activities online, rather than to go out and socilize or interact with friends or family members, but In today's globized world, many people live in different countries and find it hard to keep in touch with each other. Thanks to computers, however, they can contact their firends or family members easily. They can even make new friends online and learn different cultures and traditions from them.
Lastly, computers have made the world a safer place to live in. For example, computers are now put into cars, planes, or other vehicles to make accidents less likely to happen. Also, computers are used to predict natural disasters, such as earthquakes or typhoons. Also, drones or robots controlled with computers are very useful in emergency situations.
[ agree ]
1. modern working environment
they receive business e-mails / need to work at home
2. computers have made face to face communication less important
they tend to stay at home for most of the day. They don't know how to communicate with others. ( no social skills )
3. sendantary lifestyle ----- medial problems
[ disagree ]
1. work from home ( disabed people / mothers with small children )
2. communication tool
3. safety features controlled by computers

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