Grade 1 Speech Topics

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 [106]   [2016-3 A] -----Is the problem of terrorism likely to get worse? [ terrorism eliminated? ]
Terrorism can break out almost anywhere in the world. As we can see from the latest terrorism that occurred in the marathon race in Boston, it is very hard to track down and prevent the activity. I believe the problem is likely to get worse.
First, terrorism today is more and more sophisticated and very hard to track down. Terrorists work together internationally and create a global organization which can send terrorists all over the world. In this day of information technology, their communication can be made online, which is almost impossible to monitor every suspicious activity on the internet. Also they always find new ways to outwit the police, like the marathon race, which nobody believed would be the target of terrorism.
Second, we have resorted to the threat of force to fight against terrorism for years, but it seems that it creates more hatred against the power, and encourages more terrorism. Some countries claim the policy, "no tolerance toward terrorism," but I wonder if it is effective to make the situation better. In some cases, diplomatic approach and making a compromise to their demands might bring up a better outcome.
For these reasons, it is very hard to prevent terrorist activities, and the problem is likely to get worse, not better, considering the current situation.
1. more sophisticated terrorism
( difficult to track down )
2. misguided measures against terrorism
( violence begets violence / hatred creates hatred )

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